The Single Biggest Shift is Planday's campaign for forward planning and for life.

Planday's research shows that planning rotas ahead creates happier, healthier teams - who feel more fulfilled, have greater financial autonomy and are more likely to stay in the industry.

It’s one small change that delivers big results. It’s easy. It saves time, and it’s free.

Expert tips, guides and how-tos that'll get you planning ahead.

Content created by Planday
Hospitality’s Turnover Troubles

Something has to shift to keep great people in the hospitality industry.

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Of workers are given a week or less notice of their next shift pattern.


Have experienced symptoms of poor mental health over the last 12 months.


Think more notice of rotas would improve their life

Read the research

trusted by the best

We are on a mission to solve the UK Hospitality Retention Crisis.

Find out how Planday can help you start planning one shift ahead.

Make your team happier, healthier, and more likely to stay in their current jobs.

Staff avaliability and holiday time in one click.

Payroll forecasting for those unpredictable days.

Easy integration with your most indispensable apps.

Success stories created by Planday

Planning pros share their success stories.

Scheduling shifts ahead turned Socius into an award winner

Even from its rural location, award-winning restaurant, Socius, regularly makes the Michelin Guide. The key to its success is "planning shifts ahead" for its bedrock of a team.

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How DiningSix Group made The Single Biggest Shift with Planday

At high season, Planday helps DiningSix Group plan up to two months ahead. We sat with the group’s Country Manager, Jeppe Bjerre, to find out how they do it.

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Content by Planday

More expert tips, guides and how-tos that’ll get you planning ahead.

View more on the Planday resource hub
View more on the Planday resource hub
